Will you Make a difference? Even a $1 donation helps...
CLICK HERE to make a Tax Deductable donation with PAYPAL for AJai's surgery. CLICK HERE to Make a donation with VENMO for AJai's surgery.
At this time, COSR is only able to adopt to residents within the State of Ohio. If you live outside of Ohio, Please click the link on the left “Other Sheltie Rescue Groups”
Thank You for your understanding .
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Text/Pager Email
Name(s) of Applicant(s):*
Street Address of Applicant(s)*
State* Choose one: State of Ohio
Please enter your Zip Code*
How long have you lived at this address?*
Driver's License Number and State Issued:*
What are the ages of the Applicant(s)*
In what type of home do you live* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
Do you own or rent your home* Choose one: Rent Own
If you rent, please enter your landlord's name and phone number*
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal* Choose one: Yes No
How many people reside in your household*
Who in the household will care for the pet*
List ages of children who are regular visitors to your home*
How long have you worked there?
Are there any pets in the home?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, list type, breed, sex, and indicate whether spayed/neutered for ALL pets in the home:*
Please provide the Name, Address and Phone numbers for your current veterinarian and for any previous veterinarian's that have cared for your previous pets. IF you do not have a Vet, Please list a Third Personal Reference here instead.*
Have you ever given up a pet or turned an animal into a rescue or a shelter? If yes, please explain the circumstances.*
Have you applied with any other rescues? If yes, please explain the outcome*
Why are you considering a rescued sheltie?*
Anyone in your home with known allergies to animals? If yes, how severe are those allergies?*
Do you have a yard for the dog's use?* Choose one: Yes No
If yes, please describe the yard, height and type of fence, is yard private or used by several homes or units, is yard completely or partially enclosed. If no, please described how the dog will be exercised.*
Do you plan to move in the foreseeable future? If yes, explain your plans for your pets.*
Will this dog be a priority in your life? Explain.*
Where will the dog sleep?*
Where will the dog stay when you are at work? How long are you away per day?*
Do you have the time/patience to housetrain a dog if it is not already trained?* Choose one: Yes No
Would you be willing to take a special needs dog? (blind/deaf/medical problems/behavior problems)* Choose one: Yes No
Have you had a sheltie in the past?* Choose one: Yes No
Explain your experience with shelties*
Are you aware that shelties are barkers?* Choose one: Yes No
Are you aware of a sheltie's needs?(grooming, exercise, etc.?)* Choose one: Yes No
Are you aware that shelties may be shy around new people?* Choose one: Yes No
Are you aware of the financial responsibilities of dog ownership? Vet care, licensing, medications, etc.? And that total expense of owning this dog could exceed $500/year?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you have a particular dog in mind or do you have a color, sex, age size preference or activity level in mind for your sheltie? Explain.*
In your opinion, what circumstances would justify getting rid of this dog?*
Are you willing to have a member of Sheltie Rescue visit your home? Both before and after adoption?* Choose one: Yes No
Do you have a problem staying in touch with this Rescue? * Choose one: Yes No
Do you understand this Rescue will check the references provided by you?* Choose one: Yes No
Please provide: Name, address, phone number of closest relative to contact in an emergency.*
Please Provide us three references: Reference #1: Name, address, phone number (a neighbor would be great) *
Reference #2: Name, address, phone number*
Reference #3: Name, address, phone number
By typing your name(s) below you are indicating all of the answers you have given above are true and correct to the best of your knowledge. You also give Central Ohio Sheltie rescue permission to contact any references you have named above. Once you click submit button you will be re-directed to our adoption information page. Please read it for further information about our adoption process if you haven't already done so. Also note our rescue is completely staffed by volunteers so it may be a few weeks before your application is processed and you hear back from us. Thank you for your patience. Enter your name and date*
Co-applicant signature. Please type your full name and todays date. (please type none if there is no co-applicant) all fields must be completed to successfully submit application)*
It's ALL about the DOGS!